The shot is introduced with a boy playing hide and seek to disguise the urgency of the parents' business as they are packing their belongings. The camera shot pans while tracking the  character while showing the mise-en-scene of the the house; the messy floors, dirty chalkboard and the scientific apparatus in the shelves which implies that Peter's parents are researchers. 

As the boyPeterventures around the secretive room, hinted by the non-diegetic eerie music, his father picked him up and hurried outside for an unknown cause, in which the camera pans away into foreshadowing a mysterious tube with a spider inside.

After his father speaks his stern farewells, "be good", Peter is then left behind by his parents with a long game of hide and seek, with his only Uncle Ben and Aunt May. This gloomy medium shot with its dim lighting interprets Peter's feelings, and it shows how even as cold as his father is, there is still a strong bond between the two. 

An establishing shot is then used to introduce the current timeline outside their house, showing Peter all grown up and living with Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Peter is now in high-school. During classes, the shy glimpses and soft emotions hint his feelings toward Gwen Stacy, who saved him from being bullied further.

He got home from school, bruised from the punches and kicks he got from Flash the bully, and tried hiding it from Aunt May. Uncle Ben distracts her away from noticing his injuries by taking him away shown in the cut scene of them in the basement.

As Peter looks deeper through the dark space, he slid his hands at the slit of the box as his fingertips bumped into pictures, files, and other belongings of his parents. The scene gets personal as these objects are the only things that connects him and his parents.

Cut scene to the mise-en-scene of his very messy room. His door had a handmade automatic lock, implying how intelligent he is in robotics and science. His floor is filled with what seems like junk, but is actually scraps of his other projects. Uncle Ben knocked. He had a talk with Peter, allowing freedom for him to find out more about his parents. This scene is mostly shot with both characters in the same frame, making it personal and emotional for the audience.

Peter decided to take a deep research about his parents after his confrontation of his parents' whereabouts shown in a POV shot of a monitor close-up. He finds out that his parents worked in Oscorp, marked by the alarming red symbols.

Peter went in a convention to find out more, and claimed to be a student who came to visit with someone's ID card, while a comedically shot scene of the actual owner is being dragged away. He also finds out Gwen works as the tour leader in the same day.

He is then introduced to the charismatic and respected Dr. Curtis, the main scientist of the cell-regeneration project. 
He asked a question into the crown and Peter answered with a stupid sounding suggestion, with the diegetic sounds of the crowd mocking, only to find out he stands out in his genius way. It is showed by the crowd separating, revealing Peter to stand out. 

As the tour goes on, he accidently bumped into a mysterious man in black, dropping the case files in his hand. Peter apologizes and stumbled over the same red symbol from his research. He hesitated to give the file back as it is snatched suspiciously.

Peter began to wonder around the building, hand-picking security locks to access a door (which shows more of his smarts) labelled with the reoccurring red symbols. He discovered a fascinating blue room with advanced machinery. He hovered over to the one webbing spiders and got rained of tickly spiders. The actor shook his body and cringed in disgust, making us, the audience, feel the same.

He then called it a day, returned his fake ID to Gwen Stacy, and in a close-up shot, the camera is zoomed on his neck, which got bitten by a spider from the lab. He heads home by the train, as flashing shots and the wild distortion in the editing gives us his point of view of the spider-bite effects. He wakes up from a single drip of water and jumped into the ceilings of the train. He accidently tore a woman's shirt off with his abnormally sticky hands, implied as comedy, which I took personally as it has no other purpose but to sexualize the woman, as she is wearing bright red bra in the cool-palette background which emphasizes the action. Afterwards, he unconsciously ripped a metal pole off. his scene is intended to show his sudden super powers and is the beginning of it all.


 The movie starts with a panning and tracking shot of the woman hurrying in the cemetery. Shot switches to the man shown on the book and in the statue of a cemetery, dialoging a story in a news way.

Mise-en-scene of the Grand Budapest, with pink skies, blue mountains, wide forest, grand rooms, with luxury colors; classy brown, marble yellows and warm reds, accompanied by a waiter in a purple suit. 

Zero Mustafa, an owner of many massive hotels, appears to be a lonely genius to us shown in a shot of him looking frail and small in a fancy suit. As the main character takes a bath in the shower room, he meets Zero and insists on a dinner to tell his journey.

The man seemed dominant as he orders the other waiters, charismatic enough to charm a woman of wealth and power. They met the owner of the Grand Budapest is introduced in a high-angle shot, showing the difference in power from the two.

As Zero continues to tell his story, it focuses on the charismatic man being a figure seducing around women and how he and Zero got close over time. They went in a train but are stopped from a bunch of soldiers in the distance, we are firstly given clues that a war is starting from an emphasized shot of the newspaper. This is shown his worried expression in seeing Zero being targeted by the soldiers in the train.


Scene is introduced by two characters calling each other through video-call. 

Mise-en-scene in a bar with drinks, introducing a birthday party with balloons and a happy non-diegetic song about a meeting with a presentation from his son. There was a call with their daughter Stephanie to speak of her wishes, but instead had the call disrupted by a "weird" man shown by his playful manner, nakedly dancing. This first impression left on the family is that they think he's a loser.

A shot of the family going to Stephanie's boyfriend's house is shown, with her father hesitating instantly. As they reached his house, they started thinking otherwise about Laird. The wide lands filled with rare and massive animals to the great white mansion. As they got welcomed by a well-dressed man, Laird's father, they are kissed as a warm meet that made them slightly uncomfortable with the culture difference. 

Laird is then shown in the scene screaming, creating a worse first impression on Stephanie's family and especially her dad.

