Why Him? Movie Analysis

Scene is introduced by two characters calling each other through video-call. 

Mise-en-scene in a bar with drinks, introducing a birthday party with balloons and a happy non-diegetic song about a meeting with a presentation from his son. There was a call with their daughter Stephanie to speak of her wishes, but instead had the call disrupted by a "weird" man shown by his playful manner, nakedly dancing. This first impression left on the family is that they think he's a loser.

A shot of the family going to Stephanie's boyfriend's house is shown, with her father hesitating instantly. As they reached his house, they started thinking otherwise about Laird. The wide lands filled with rare and massive animals to the great white mansion. As they got welcomed by a well-dressed man, Laird's father, they are kissed as a warm meet that made them slightly uncomfortable with the culture difference. 

Laird is then shown in the scene screaming, creating a worse first impression on Stephanie's family and especially her dad.
