
Target Audience: High-schoolers, artists, people who love art and animations

Concept: Reaching for stars (dreams) with POCARI SWEAT


Combination of real and animated advert. Beach setting with clear waters and beautiful sky. Location idea is Green Bowl Beach Bali. Outfit is Indonesian school uniform; white shirt, grey-blue skirt and blue tie. Main character has a dream to catch, which is to be an artist (animator) and is the reason why the advert is half-animated. Background music is an exciting, fast-tempo song which starts with only beats in the beginning, fading out in the end. No dialogue.

- Music starts as character runs in the beach in a real setting catching an animated blue/yellow/pink star  symbolizing their dreams — as the world magically transforms in an animated form. A lot of medium shots will be used.

- Jumping out of the animated world, character reached her dreams by grabbing the star as the world transitions back to real setting. 

- Character sweats from fatigue and reveals the star as POCARI SWEAT drink  from the back to refresh herself. Facial expression is relieved.

- The slogan "GO SWEAT, GO ION" appears, voiced by character as she walks by the shore, shown in a still long shot. Some animated stars pop out, following the character. Music is not in this scene, replaced by the calming sound of the beach.
